Replacing carpet with laminate flooring is much easier than it may sound. While it still is a project that will take some time, planning, and elbow grease, it is quite straightforward and much simpler than you might imagine. It’s a beautiful way to renovate your home and is a great choice, particularly if you are looking for new low-maintenance flooring. Stop by Preferred Flooring for help finding the best laminate near Breese, Illinois. Explore a wide range of laminate floorings to find something you like, meets all your needs, and fits in your budget. Learn how to replace carpet with laminate flooring on your own with help from Preferred Flooring.
Step #1: Find a Laminate Flooring You Like
Before replacing your carpet with laminate, find a laminate flooring you like. That way, you’ll be ready to go with fresh flooring to replace your carpet once you have ripped all of it up. You don’t want to put the cart before the horse and be left with a naked floor and no idea what you want to cover it with. We carry a large selection of laminate wood flooring near Breese, Illinois.
Step #2: Remove the Carpet
Your next step is to remove the carpet. This is relatively easy. Starting in a corner of the room, get a utility knife or a box cutter and cut along the length of the wall. You’ll want to cut 4 or 5 inches from the wall and then pull so you’re not trying to pull it all off the tack strip at once. Pull up the carpet, and then cut it into strips that you can roll up and then remove.
Step #3: Remove the Padding
This is the layer of padding that lies beneath your carpet; removing it is basically the same as removing the carpet. Start it in a corner and then roll it up. There’s no tack strip, so it should come up quickly. It’s also much lighter. Ensure you wear shoes, as once this padding is up, your floor be completely bear and will more than likely be a bit rough.
Step #4: Remove the Carpet Tack
Carefully pry the tack upward using a screwdriver, a hammer, or a shovel and pull it out. Remove any nails you see as well, being careful of these exposed sharp points.
Step #5: Clean and Level the Subfloor
Take advantage of this step! A level floor is optional for carpet, but for laminate flooring, having uneven areas can cause it to pull apart. Use a level at least three feet long to ensure the whole thing is even.
Sand down any rough areas, screw down squeaky subfloors, level out any low areas, and sweep or vacuum them thoroughly. It’s worth taking your time with this step and ensuring you do a thorough job for the best long-term results.
Step #6: Lay Your Flooring
Laminate flooring uses a tongue-and-groove design that clicks together, so it’s easy to install. Choose the longest wall or a wall with a focal point, like a fireplace, to start with. Stagger the pieces by at least 6 inches to ensure the joints aren’t all aligned. This will look more natural and prevent buckling.
Past that, carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions. Some may require a tapping block or a hammer to lock the pieces together, and others may have slightly different steps. Check with the manufacturers recommended installation procedures for the best results.
Contact Us for New Laminate Near Breese, Illinois
When you’re replacing carpet anywhere near Breese, IL, Preferred Flooring can help! We carry flooring from the top brands in the nation. Let us help you determine which options best meet your needs. Visit to see what we have in stock that you love. We proudly serve Breese, Highland, Mascoutah, New Haven, Trenton, Bond County, Clinton County, Madison County, Monroe County, Randolph County, St. Clair County, and Washington County, IL. Contact us today!